
Cream Cheese Mints

Cream Cheese Mints - A Pinch of Joy

A simple classic sweet, quick and easy to make by all ages, for any occasion


Units Scale
  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 2 Tablespoons butter, softened
  • 8 cups powdered sugar, plus
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoons mint extract
  • Food coloring, if desired
  • Sprinkles, sanding sugar, etc., if desired


  1. Combine cream cheese and butter in large bowl and beat until combined and creamy.
  2. With mixer on low speed, gradually add 4 cups of powdered sugar until incorporated.
  3. Add flavorings.
  4. Using mixer on low speed gradually add two more cups powdered sugar, scraping down sides and bottom of the bowl until well mixed.
  5. Continue adding powdered sugar one half cup at a time until dough is stiff and not sticky. If dough is still sticky, add another half cup of powdered sugar. Stop when mixture is stiff and can be handled without making hands sticky. Consistency should be like play dough. Total amount of powdered sugar will be in the 7-8 1/2 cup range.
  6. Divide dough according to the number of colors and/or flavors you want to use for your mints.
  7. Add desired food coloring and/or flavoring to each portion and mix well.
  8. Scoop up a teaspoon sized portion of mixture and roll into ball. Place on parchment or waxed paper and press flat with thumb, fork or bottom of glass dipped in powdered sugar . This is the fastest method of making a large number mints. Another quick method is to roll a handful of mixture into a finger sized log, let dry slightly, then cut into half inch lengths – dinner mint style. This recipe can also be pressed into candy molds, according to mold directions, with good results.
  9. Let mints dry, loosely covered, overnight.
  10. Store, covered, in refrigerator. Can be frozen in air tight container for use later.


Nutritional values are an estimated and will vary according to ingredient and brands selected.
