Thanksgiving makes us think about things we appreciate – family, friends, a roof overhead, food on the table. This feeling of gratitude is so important and not just during the holiday season. Gratitude is about being mindful of the abundance in our lives. Feeling grateful about what you have in your life can lead to a tremendous number of positive results.
Reminding yourself on a regular basis of all that’s good in your life comes with a host of benefits. Your daily life becomes more calm and peaceful. Gratitude helps to slay a lot of negative emotions. In today’s digitally connected world, especially, it’s easy to compare yourself to others and to think you’re lacking. Gratitude helps to push envy, insecurity, and fear aside. Essentially, it can lessen depression and anxiety, leading you to feel happier.
When you feel grateful for what you have, it’s also more likely that you’ll begin to notice an increase in your self-confidence. You’ll feel more in control and able when you know you already have what matters in life. This perspective can also improve perspective, motivation, and mental fortitude. Finally, knowing what’s important in life leads to stronger relationships. It encourages you to treasure and appreciate the important people in your life.
One of the easiest ways to practice gratitude is to maintain a gratitude journal. It can be just a simple list on line, on a sheet or paper or an elaborate book. What’s important is that you use it on a regular basis to gain the best effects. Maintaining a sense of gratitude requires maintenance.
Keeping your journal daily is probably best, but even setting aside three times a week will help. You may choose to end your day by recalling what you are grateful for that day. This is a wonderful practice to start with. If you have more time in the morning, you may choose to start your day by thinking about those things for which you are grateful. It only take 30 days for a new practice to become a habit.
Keeping a gratitude journal is easy. Simply write down three to five things that you are grateful for each day. Try to make them specific. Even something as small as receiving help on a project from a colleague will do, as long as it reminds you of something you value. You can start by using this Today I Choose Gratitude download for the next 30 days. Each day jot at least one thing in one category in this mini journal. However, you can print as many as you like and you may choose to jot down more than one thing daily.
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