That hand waving above the snowdrift — that’s me, saying “Welcome to another Busy Monday”. Cold, colder and coldest! We are warm and snug inside. Rocky is in his furry bed by the office door, one white sock leg hanging over the side. My cup of hot chocolate is steaming on the desk. And there […]
Busy Monday 656
Temperature has been like a yo-yo this week. One day it is 41 and we are taking a walk along the brook with just a jacket. Next day it is 8 degrees and we are in sweaters and wrapped in blankets, freezing in the house. I’m beginning to think the bears have it all figured […]
Busy Monday 655
Took the Christmas decorations down yesterday — all the garlands, swags and wreaths and, yes, the three Christmas trees. It is always a joy when they go up on the day after Thanksgiving, bringing much needed light and cheer to the the dreary winter. It’s nice when they go back to the boxes after the […]
Busy Monday 654
Rocky the Rescue Cat is totally upset with the 8 degree weather we’ve had for the last few days. He will set at the door patiently as always until someone opens it for him. He’ll move toward the open door. A gust of bitter cold wind enters the house. He backs up. His tail fluffs […]
Busy Monday 653
Finally! Getting some energy back and feeling so much better! Don’t know what bug trailed around after strep, but it was hard to shake. Had a couple of days of really cold weather so snuggling in was a welcome activity. Y’all stay warm and healthy this week! Thanks for stopping by to share your […]
Busy Monday 652
Thank you for the get well wishes! I’ve slept most of the time, awakening to take strep meds, eat soup and feed the insistent cat. Still going through tissues and cough drops, but it’s manageable. Feel so much better for just the sleep alone! Snowed again yesterday, huge fluffy flakes and now mounds of snow […]