Finally! Getting some energy back and feeling so much better! Don’t know what bug trailed around after strep, but it was hard to shake. Had a couple of days of really cold weather so snuggling in was a welcome activity. Y’all stay warm and healthy this week! Thanks for stopping by to share your […]
Busy Monday 652
Thank you for the get well wishes! I’ve slept most of the time, awakening to take strep meds, eat soup and feed the insistent cat. Still going through tissues and cough drops, but it’s manageable. Feel so much better for just the sleep alone! Snowed again yesterday, huge fluffy flakes and now mounds of snow […]
Busy Monday 651
Enjoyed the holidays with family, including New Year’s Eve at sister Bee’s. It was a little smaller than in the past since her husband is having knee surgery on Monday. Also celebrated the Special Teacher’s newly minted Master’s degree with Zoom call to her dad, my brother. While they all were here we had a […]
Busy Monday 650
Nate the Great came to visit yesterday. He’ll be here until after New Years while his mom catches up on work projects. Just came in from a long walk — long as in spaced out. He was a full block full steam ahead! We had a discussion at lunch about the French Revolution. We actually […]
Busy Monday 649
Snow on the ground and below freezing temperatures — back to the normal weather for this spot on the map. Flowers didn’t make it to Christmas. Still a record for how long they continued blooming! We put up the outdoor lights this past week. When we first moved here, we were the only ones on […]
Loaded Sheet Pan Nachos, The Party In a Pan
In our family, the New Year’s Junk Food Banquet is a tradition. We get together to eat all the things we haven’t touched all year. Potato chips. Candy. Ooey gooey stuff. Sweet stuff. Rich and buttery stuff. Little bitty pieces. But an indulgence none the less. We play all the loud and noisy games […]