Pear Honey – just what the name says. So sweet and flavorful. Be prepared though. One taste and it will disappear in a flash. See that little bit on the little plate in the picture? That is what is left of the whole batch. Yeh, the same day I made it! A superb spread, Pear […]
Rhubarb Cherry Jam
Rhubarb is one of the best things about spring – a season full of wonderful things. I love it! Mom’s garden always had half a dozen hills of rhubarb. She kept an eye on them every spring until the stems were just the right size and then send a “big kid” out to harvest. She […]
Cinnamon Pickles
My recipe card for Cinnamon Pickles, stained with red food coloring, always makes me smile at my friend’s distinctive handwriting. Cindy was my north star for a short time. You know, the kind of friend that comes into your life and points a different direction. I became a stay at home mom when my job […]