What Do You Want Your Blog to Be When it Grows Up party. Thistlewood Farms, It All Started With Paint, The Space Between, Eclectically Vintage, The Cottage Market. are hosting a link up with that very theme. You’ll find this post linked there along with a number of other bloggers who are sharing, too!
I actually thought about this topic and did a lot of research before I began blogging. Just because I take things seriously like that. Why would I want to undertake this additional commitment in my already busy life? Just who did I want to be when I grow up anyway? Well, that one was easy — Martha Stewart with Oprah’s heart. Shoot for the stars and dream big, right? Well, yes but there’s more. I scribbled notes on yellow stickies that laid around my desk for weeks until one day I picked up my beautiful black and white, tabbed, every page has a design, and totally blank journal and wrote:
Blog goals
1. Become a repository for knowledge
I’m curious. I want to know how things work and why. I want to know what makes people tick. I want to know what makes ME tick. That became my first reason for starting a blog. Because I am curious, I’ve accumulated a lot of knowledge. I always lose at trivia and I refuse to clutter up my brain with things like the formula for pi. But I know where to go look things up, which is a great life skill. And, some of the things, I’ve learned have actually stuck – like how to use joint compound, how to knead bread and why, how to choose colors and plant flowers and lay brick pavers and teach a class and budget and . . . And I want to share that knowledge because I’m a teacher at heart. Specifically:
- Write about a diversity of topics
- Organize posts in ways so they are easily found
2. . . .and give that knowledge value
Knowledge has to be shared in a way that people can understand or it has no value. I can talk to anyone about anything – and learn something from anyone about anything. But can I communicate on a platform totally new to me? I’ve been long time blog reader –but producing one is a totally different ballgame. Thanks to other folks who freely share their knowledge in all sorts of way – and the patience of Bytes, the resident computer guru – I’m learning! I want what I share to be as valuable as the information I seek. Specifically:
- Give accurate information
- written so it can be easily understood
3. Brand that knowledge
I am not the only one with this knowledge or access to research materials. But I am the only one who filters it through me and that is what makes it unique. I want my own personal stamp on everything I do. When non-bloggers try to understand what I do, I always end up saying “a blog is like an online magazine. Some specialize in one topic and others have a little bit of everything.” I want my approach to be as easily recognized as any print production. Specifically:
- Keep personal standards of quality and excellence
- Develop ways to express creativity, such as learn more about photography and new design programs
4. Sell it
This doesn’t mean make money – although that is one of my goals. What I mean by this is connecting to others to share ideas, goals and information in a variety of ways. I need to let others know I am here and to interact with them. Reading other blogs keeps me renewed and motivated.
- Just started Busy Monday, a link up for ideas that make life easier, better and more fun!
- Participate in as many linkups as possible
- Follow and read a diverse selection of other blogs
5. Remember to keep the Pinch of Joy.
It is a delight and an honor to be featured, to have someone leave a note of appreciation in the comment box or email. Some of the friends I know in real life have been incredibly encouraging. It is exciting to see the numbers double every month, to get those traffic spikes, to be pinned by a “big” blog, to be invited to do new and exciting things. It is also humbling and a reminder of the fact that we are all inter-related in ways that we cannot fathom. To share ideas, a bit of beauty, a laugh, a personal anecdote, time — these are the great joys! Specifically:
- Keep it fun and lighthearted!
- Be appreciative.
- Stay positive.
What I know for sure. . .
That was what I wrote just a few short months ago. Lots of other things, including the specifics, have changed — and will probably change again — but those guides remain. Even though my little spot is — well — pretty little in the grand scheme of things . . . . I still find there is a lot in common with my main girls – Martha and the O! This is a great big wonderful world and lots to learn and share about a lot of things! And what I know for sure — there is always something new, a different viewpoint and a unique approach!
Have a wonderful day with a pinch of joy!
Karah @ thespacebetweenblog says
Wow Charlene…what beautifully laid out goals. I love the idea of becoming a brand, selling it and remembering the pinch of joy along the way…probably the most important goal of all. 🙂
Thank you so much for linking up, sorry it has taken me so long to come by to check them out!
Happy to be a new follower,
Karah @ thespacebetweenblog
cassie says
i love the last goal the best- always remember your blog name because it has to bring you and your readers joy- at least a pinch! 🙂
Kirby Crespodi says
These are very well-thought out goals–I can tell you are a committed, organized blogger! (I, on the other hand….) Glad you linked!
Linda @ it all started with paint says
Such well thought out and well-organized goals! You must have a marketing background …
Thank you so much for gathering all those crazy post-it scribbles (I have many of them littered around my work space too) and sometimes find it overwhelming to pull them all together into an organized plan …
But you did just that, so thank you for putting down on “virtual” paper and linking up to our party!
Ann says
Your blog goals are so impressive! You just might be my polar opposite. I can be impulsive and that’s just how I started my blog. My kids had encouraged me to do so for some time. One night, when my husband was away on business, I sat down, looked at Blogger and jumped in with both feet. Seven months later, I’m still having fun, but still don’t have solid goals for my effort. I admire your approach.
thistlewoodfarm says
I am so glad that you joined up at the party. Your goals are incredibly well-thought out and articulated. I love the idea of a repository. Linda (all about paint) said she wanted to be a “destination.” Similar concept and such a good idea.
Thanks for the inspiration.