Bought our eclipse glasses so we are ready! We are near the middle of the totality swath crossing the US from Oregon to the Carolinas. We’ll only have two minutes of total darkness here, but people from all over the country and the world are expected to arrive just to experience those two minutes — and the time of partial eclipse surrounding them. Hotels have been booked for months and Airbnb’s are doing well in the area. There are people who chase eclipses all over the world — who knew! Thanks for stopping by to share your posts!
Featured from last week: My Thrift Addiction – Fairy Tale Express Frog Prince Paperie – Backyard Movie Party Eat Move Make – Caramel Apple Cups Moms choose Joy – 20 Communication Tips for Marriage Flour on My Face – Crockpot Zuppa Toscana Soup See Lindsey – Mini French Apple Tarts Olla-Podrida – Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho Little house Living — Why You Don’t Have to Downsize to Live Simply Pillar Box Blue – DIY Recycled Jeans Planters Hello Creative Family – 15 Minute Kid’s Infinity Scarf
Party Time!
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Claire says
Thank you so much for featuring my Denim planters. Thanks for hosting.
Madonna says
Thank you so much for hosting.
Madonna recently posted…Tomato Tarte Tatin
Liz Mays says
Thank you so much for the feature! This is exciting!
Jas @ All that's Jas says
Oh, wow! Never would’ve thought that eclipse is such a big deal! Maybe if it was for a couple of hours at least, but for the two minutes? LOL
Journa Ramirez says
Thanks for hosting. Have a blessed week! – Journa, visiting from the team at
Arlene Mobley says
Thanks so much for featuring my Crock Pot Zuppa Toscana recipe this week!
Arlene Mobley recently posted…Easy Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan
Cecilia MyThriftStoreAddiction says
Thanks so much for featuring Fairy Tale Express!
Cassie @Moms Choose Joy says
Thank you for featuring my blog post on 20 Communication Tips for Marriage this week.
Corinne @The Pragmatic Parent says
Thank you for hosting this week! Hope you had a nice weekend!
Marilyn Lesniak says
Thank you for hosting. Have a fun week.
Debbie-Dabble says
Thanks so much for the party each week!!
Debbie-Dabble recently posted…A Bit if Aqua Here and There